As Pastor of Saint Thomas the Apostle, I am called to give an accounting to you my parishioners, as to our finances. I am called to be a good steward of the time, talent and treasure that members of this community give in support of the life and ministries of our parish. I must also oversee the monies you donate to the second collections of the Archdiocese. This report is about our last fiscal year that began on July 01, 2021 and ended this year on June 30, 2022. This past fiscal year includes both pandemic and post-pandemic times. Operationally, there has been unsettling times with the February resignation of our Parish Manager/Accountant for another opportunity and the hiring of another who could not continue after two months. Thankfully, our Accounts Payable/Human Resources Administrator, Galina Martin Rodriguez, rose to the rescue with the remarkable assistance from Charlie Silva, Marty Puchala, and Finance Committee Members to bring us through the unsettled times at the end of this past fiscal year.  With these departures it was deemed important to reconfigure the positions. Hence, Galina Martin Rodriguez has become the Parish Administrator and Mara Luna has accepted the position of Parish Accountant. Thankfully, stability is returning to our operations as of September 2022.  Managing the finances of this parish requires a lot of work.  It requires a several employees to diligently oversee the financial activities of our parish.  Since I have been here, we have passed the archdiocesan audits, which are performed every two years, with commendations. Please take the time to study this report.  If you have any questions, need for clarification, or concerns, I am happy to respond.


I am very grateful to you, my parishioners who have remained faithful to the financial support of our parish. 

I pray we can increase the income of our parish in order to grow and meet the pressing need of more space for worship and faith formation.


Father Brian R. Sheridan, M.S., Pastor  


FY 2021-2022

FY 2020-2021

Operating Revenue (Ingresos Operativos)

Offertory (Ofertorio)



Religious Education (Educación Religiosa)



Hispanic Ministries (Ministerios Hispanos)                                                                                                           



Other Revenue (Otros Ingresos)



Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiven (Condonación de préstamos del programa de protección de cheques de pago)



Total Operating Revenue (Total de Ingresos Operativos)



Operating Expenses (Gastos Operativos)

Salaries (Salarios)



Benefits (Beneficios)



Hispanic Ministries (Ministerios Hispanos)



Supplies & Publications (Suministros & Publicaciones)



Utilities (Utilidades)



Repairs & Maintenance (Reparaciones y Mantenimiento)



Archdiocesan Assessments Paid (Gravamen Pagado a Arquidiócesis)



Other Operating Expenses (Otros Gastos Operativos)



Total Operating Expenses (Total de Gastos Operativos)



Operating Surplus (Excedente de Operativos)



Restricted Revenue & Expenses (Ingresos Restringidos & Gastos)

Debt Reduction Revenue (Ingresos de Reducción de Deuda)



Other Restricted Revenue (Otros Ingresos Restringidos)



Restricted Expenses (Gastos Restringidos)



Restricted Revenue Over Restricted Expenses (Ingresos Restringidos Sobre Gastos Restringidos)



Total Operating and Restricted Revenue & Expenses (Total Ingreso Operativo y Restringido & Gastos)

Total Operating and Restricted Revenue (Total Ingreso Operativo y Restringido)



Total Operating and Restricted Expenses (Total Gastos Operativos y Restringidos)



Total Revenue Over Total Expenses (Ingreso Total Sobre Gastos Totales)



Statement of Financial Position (Estado de Situación Financiera)

Assets (Activo)

Checking / Savings / Restricted Cash Accounts (Cuentas de Cheques y Ahorros)



Savings & Capital Funds Deposited with Archdiocese (Fondos de Capital Depositados con la Arquidiócesis)



MFIH Funds Deposited with Archdiocese (Fondos de MFIH Capital Depositados con la Arquidiócesis)



Endowment Funds (Fondos de Dotación)



Prepaid Expenses & Accounts Receivable (Gastos Anticípados y Cuentas por Cobrar)



Property, Plant & Equipment (Propiedad, Planta y Equipo)



Total Assets (Activo Total)



Liabilities (Deudas)

Accounts Payable & Exchange Accounts (Cuentas por Pagar y Cuentas de Cambio)



Deferred Revenue – Tuition (Ingresos Diferidos – Matrícula)



Debt to Archdiocese of Atlanta (Deuda con la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta)



Forgiveable Loan – Payroll Protection Program



Total Liabilities (Deuda Total)



Total Net Assets (Neto Total de Activos)



Total Liabilities & Net Assets (Deuda Total y Neto de Activos)



Living Our Faith / Viviendo Nuestra Fe

Sacramental Celebrations/Celebraciones Sacramentales                                       

Baptisms / Bautismos                                                             242


First Communions / Primeras Comuniones                            181


Confirmations / Confirmaciones                                             187


Marriages / Matrimonios                                                           67


Pastoral Services / Servicios Pastorales                           

RCIA Catechumens & Candidates                                         56    

RICA Catecúmenos & Candidatos                                      


RCIA Sponsors                                                                         58

RICA Padrinos                                                                


Clergy visits to hospitals and the homebound                      195

Visitas del Clero a los confinados en casas                        
y hospitales


Religious Education / Educación religiosa


Students in Parish School of Religion                         721

Estudiantes en Escuela parroquial

de religión


Number of Families Registered in                            4615

Our Parish

Número de familias registradas
en nuestra parroquia


Number of New Families Registered in                      187

Our Parish

Número de familias nuevas registradas
en nuestra parroquia

Your gifts at work

  • Offertory donations increased by 13.0%, or $247,928, over the preceding year. Total Offertory donations of $2,154,854 returned us to similar donation levels recorded in pre-pandemic FY of 2019 ($2,111,177).


  • We exceeded our 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Goal of $182,100 by $21,368, which was refunded to the parish and used for operating.


  • Over $131,000 was contributed to our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society to help the needy of our community.


  • Second collections amounted to $122,775 benefitting designated Archdiocesan charities, Habitat for Humanity, Missionaries of the Poor, and our parish priests’ missionary communities of La Salette and the Nativity of Mary.


  • Debt owed to the Archdiocese of Atlanta at the beginning of the fiscal year was $140,784. Debt Reduction donations totaled $88,614. With the matching funds of up to $100,000 by the Archdiocese we eradicated the debt!


  • Our Hispanic Communities Food Sales netted $73,992 after expenses

Share your Talent-Join a Ministry

Pastoral Council

Mara Luna –678-294-8511

Altar Servers

Deacon Michael Garrett – 678-626-3952

Eucharistic Ministers

Deacon Earl Jackson – 504-495-2392

Finance Council

Father Brian – 770-432-8579


Terri Carlin – 678-898-3635


Leader Position currently Vacant. Deacon Michael is currently providing guidance.



Patty Ingalsbe – 770-433-9765

Women’s Auxiliary

Flossie Haines – 404-697-0675


APO – African Parishioners Organization

Chidozie Onwiliri- 404-808-8095



 For additional ministry information connect with through our website