Eucharistic Ministers
The primary mission of the St. Thomas the Apostle’s Eucharistic Ministers is to assist our priest at Mass in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful in Holy Communion. Training for Eucharistic Ministers is required, and is scheduled several times a year. Availability of the lay persons being trained is taken into […]
St. Thomas the Apostle Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Lector Ministry
The Lector Ministry is a comprised of men and women of St. Thomas the Apostle who share the Word of God at the celebration of the Mass. We welcome all those parishioners who would like to be a part of this integral ministry at St. Thomas the Apostle.
Altar Server Ministry

Altar Servers enhance the quality of liturgical celebrations by assisting the priests and serving the assembly at weekend liturgies and various liturgical celebrations.