Life Teen and Edge



Life Teen is an international Catholic movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. This is accomplished through a vibrant Eucharistic spirituality and by creating opportunities for teens to grow in their faith.

There are two main components to Life Teen.

The first is the Mass and the second is the youth group meetings. Through the Life Teen Mass and Life Nights (youth group meetings), high school teens learn more about their Catholic faith and grow to love the Sacraments, the Word, and the Mass.

At a Life Teen parish, the priests, youth minister (and CORE Team of adults), and music ministry build an environment where teens feel loved, accepted, and compelled.

Edge is our parish-based middle school youth ministry program.


Expect to commite approximately 12 hours a month.

If you would like to help our teen and ministry by making a monetary donation please click HERE
Si le gustaría ayudar a nuestros adolescentes y nuestro ministerio a través de ayuda económica presione AQUI

Ministry Leader

Estela Montoya
Life Teen & EDGE Coordinator/Youth Minister
770-432-8579 Ext. 132

Who Should Sign Up?

Requirements: Received Confirmation, Over the Age of 18

Adults actively practicing their faith and striving to do better each day with a passion for helping those younger than themselves.

How to Sign Up

If you would like to getting involved in Youth Ministry, or if you have any questions, please contact the Youth Ministry Office via e-Mail or call 770-432-8579 Ext. 132.